Participation in the blog:
We are anxious for everyone to participate in this blog and realize the more help and participation we get, the better. If you want to be a blog author, please let us know. Comments are welcomed and encouraged on all posts to help flesh out memories and family stories and rectify any incorrect or missing information. We will be updating the blog design/look once we get some good photos of Lois and scans of things that are relevant to her.
Specifically we need help labeling and dating pictures. Always comment when you know anything. We need help with the timeline. Please send dates of all events: births, moves, deaths, marriages, divorces, graduations, etc...
Comments: Anyone can comment on any article or page at any time. No permission is necessary. Sometimes comments will lead to corrections in the original posts. Sometimes comments will be left purely as commentary to flesh out the story.
Authors: Anyone who wants to can be a blog author and author new posts and upload images. However this is only available by changing permissions in the blog settings. Please contact us and we'll add you as a blog author. We want as many blog authors as we can get.
Administrators: An administrator has the privileges to completely alter the blog, remove posts, change settings, and delete the blog if they wanted.
Other Information regarding this blog:
Scans and Photos:
Please scan photos in at 300 dpi. We want them in high enough resolution that others can download and print if need be. Blogger will size down the photo in the blog posts. It is very easy to store photos on a Picasa Web Album. Picasa is is an image organizer and image viewer for organizing and editing digital photos, plus an integrated photo-sharing website. If a photo is really large (8x10"), you might want to just scan at 150 dpi.
Labels are way to organize the blog. The labels for this blog, run to the right side of the blog. A blog author can create a new label or use one of the existing labels. We are using first names of family members for labels. If your name is not there yet, you simply have not been specified in a photo or blog post yet. As more information goes up, the more posts will be filed under that label. Other labels would be things like homes, holidays, pets, etc...
If you are a blog author or administrator, please link to any references you make to other blog posts or information you get elsewhere. To link, simply highlight selected word or words and click on "Link" in the Compose menu. A small window will open up that will let you paste the link. If you reference a place. Please try to find it in Google maps and link to that place.
Currently the only people who can edit the timeline are blog administrators. The timeline will be updated to a different format at sometime in the future. Please use the comment section to give us as many dates you can come up with.
The recipe page on this blog is specifically for family recipes. There may not be a lot but we are looking for any that anyone has.
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